Optimize your Project & Program Performance Management

Which projects need to be prioritized? On which projects are we going over budget and how is the project progressing? With the smartPM project & portfolio controlling software solution, you can optimize the output and costs of your projects. Start the right projects at the right time and ensure their continuous monitoring. In the event of deviations, intervene quickly to control project costs and risks and take initiatives. Classify and group any number of projects into portfolios and optimize your project management. Simulate all decisions in advance and link this smart project controlling module seamlessly with your integrated financial planning. It couldn’t be simpler or more efficient – the smartPM project and portfolio optimization.

Your key benefits of the Project & Program Performance Management solution

Monitor and drive project performance

Benefit from state-of-the-art Project Management and Performance Tracking approaches like Milestone-, Cost- or Timeline Trend Analysis

Simulate decisions and predict future outcome using AI

Work with ‚what if‘ analysis features to simulate portfolio change and use AI to improve forecasts

Full control of the project lifecycle

Monitor and optimize project and portfolio lifecycle and re-evaluate at every process step

React on time to optimize financial and risk impact

Control cost & risk by built in risk management and cluster cost caps

Project Optimization - Cluster projects according to their strategic relevance

Understand the impact of a change of one project to all of them (the ‘Portfolio’)

Multi-Project Ressource Planning

Assign scarce resources of any type (e.g. skills, production capacity, freelancers, material, suppliers) to several projects at the same time

Explore Project & Program Performance Management in 90 seconds:

Do you want to know...?

How are our projects currently going?

The Project and Program Performance Management module links project-relevant information from all available sources to a big picture of the financial success or the cost burden per project, including commitment monitoring. In addition, it uses sophisticated forecasting methods to predict the future development of earnings per project.

What projects are we currently pursuing and why?

More and more companies feel and act ‘project-driven’. It is not always clear who triggered which project and for which purpose. Our solution allows for Project and Program Management and Portfolio Balancing.

Which projects harbor the greatest financial risks or make the greatest strategic contribution?

Top/Flop Reports, Earned Value Analysis and ‘what if’ analysis covering whole programs support any decision to be taken.

2 examples - these companies already use our Project Performance Managament solution:

"If you have the courage to break up and re-arrange existing structures and processes, you can save a lot of time, effort and money with a centralized Project Performance Management tool. With the help of smartPM.solutions consultants, Hamburg Airport saves several million euros every year as the logical result of the rigid and system-immanent cost-control of the PPM tool – that resonates very well, considering software costs in the low six-digit range.”
Julian Jirsak Project Manager Flughafen Hamburg
Julian Jirsak
Former Director Project-Portfolio Management
Hamburg Airport GmbH
‘Thanks to the integrated way of working, we collect data only once, offer calculations are passed on in the workflow to project management, all reports are generated automatically and connected planning no longer requires manual intervention. Processes have turned lean, quality has increased significantly, and our team focuses on the essential, result-producing work. Within one year, we see a saving of time of at least 2,5 FTE across the entire company.’
Arbi Araks
Head of Finance and Controlling
List GC

Case studies - reference reports and interviews:

Lean, simple processes and high data quality

That happended to List GC after the introduction of the project performance management solution

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Save several million€ /year thorugh project performance

This is how the project performance management solution for Hamburg Airport works:

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500 users work efficiently in one project system

This is how the project performance management solution works for the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT):

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Learn everything you need to know about Project Performance Management in this webinar. These are our upcoming dates:

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Project Performance Management related posts

Project Performance Management Blog Header

Save millions with a proper Project PM

An initially small, transparent project portfolio turns into a jungle-‘madness’ of projects over time. If this sounds familiar to you, we encourage you to start a change process – but what’s in for you? Julian Jirsak, Director Project Portfolio Management, Hamburg Airport, gets straight to the point: “If you have the courage to break up

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Related content on PPM posted on our partners' websites

Project Performance Management Competence – read more in our post published by our partner Jedox

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