Sales Performance Management

Want to know if your sales team is focused on important deals? Would you like more precise sales forecasts in order to be able to plan capacity? Monitor and optimize your sales with the smartPM sales controlling solution. Using sales analytics, you receive a precise, current sales status.

Improve sales performance through targeted management of your sales team and focus on relevant deals and initiatives. Analyze value drivers and uncover sales opportunities. The AI assistant and predictive sales analytics support the sales forecast for precise forecasts. Get end-to-end transparency in the sales pipeline – from lead to deal and keep track of your sales metrics. Also applicable for pre-sales analysis.

Control your sales optimally

Clear prioritization system to focus on key deals

Suggest priorization of pre-sales cases and week-to-week pipe development monitoring

Connected Planning & Reporting: One single point of truth

Connect several relevant data sources from scratch and get a full set of standard sales reports

Sales Analytics: Easily improve your sales performance

Sales key figures, dashboards and analyzes show you the way

Skilled resource supply vs. forecasted demand comparison

Identify bottlenecks in terms of resources and skills and make suggestions for reskilling

Human and artifical sales intelligence

Use AI/machine learning algorithms for self-learning scoring systems and highly reliable and multidimensional forecasts

Advanced planning methods

Guided and ad-hoc analysis, advanced funnel target setting, role-tailored dashboards

How experts rate our products

Do you want to know...?

With which revenue will we end up in which region, team or product – by the end of any period?

Based on existing pipe and machine learning algorithms, Sales Performance Management module will create Sales Forecasts per region, product, sales rep etc. and flag issues.

Where and how could we do better?

By closely monitoring win/loss rates and quota achievements, the Sales Performance Management module draws attention to areas which need immediate or mid-term attention – e.g. products that won’t sell anymore in certain regions because of changes in team structure or outdated technology.

How much pipe will we need to make our goals, and should we focus rather on farming or hunting?

Sales Performance Management module allows for funnel target setting, breaking back the targets into Installed Base and New Business, calculating the number of Marketing Qualified and Sales Accepted leads required.

Which Pre-Sales cases are most promising or relevant from a strategic point of view?

A self learning scoring system which includes several key criteria like expected dealsize, Sales rep’s experience and more suggests a prioritization of your Pre-Sales cases.

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