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prevero alumni event: FP&A expert talk

How are prevero alumni doing?


What's in it for me?

The passion of the former prevero team for CPM & BI Technology is still alive, and they continuously observe the market and its development from an unbiased point of view. This is what the team wants to share with you:

    1. prevero founders Alexander Springer and Matthias Thurner share their experience on CPM technlogy and their take on future development of the market: 15 min
    2. Mike Springer, Ephraim Triemer & Alexander Hein:  We introduce and zealaxx, 30 min
    3. „Best of Unit4 FP&A (prevero)“ solutions in recent projects, 30 min
    4. Networking with prevero alumni, 30 min

What makes excellent FP&A projects

The key success factors of FP&A projects are dedicated contact persons, expert knowledge, reliability and short response times. ‘We had high expactations and demanded a lot’ says Alexander Hein, previous managing director prevero Austria and now CEO of He was also in charge of the onboarding and training of new consultants. 

We are sure, some prevero “friends” remember e.g. Markus Edlinger with 12 years of FP&A project experience. Markus now leads a large consulting team at and personally runs selected projects.

A proven concept should be maintained. From FP&A experts to FP&A experts is the motto – most of the smartPM team worked in controlling departments and provide many years of project experience. Christian Konrad leads the smartPM application design department. To name just a few more: Edgar Avagyan, Emil Tsvetkov, Boris Pejic are well-known and trustworthy names for a lot of prevero friends.

‘Our consulting and customer care team goes the extra mile, have a lot of expertise and step in our clients’ shoes to select the best solution. They do not only optimize corporate performance management, but also help to decide for the best-fit CPM technology.’ says Hein. The brand represents smart Performance Management solutions AND a lot of project know-how. Clients rate the company with  4.8 of 5 stars for Unit4 FP&A (prevero) projects.

Matthias Thurner: "smartPM is an excellent FP&A Implementation Partner"

Matthias Thurner, co-founder of prevero, recommends smartPM especially for comprehensive CPM projects. Everybody keen on digital transformation in finance can rely on smartPM’s expert team and their FP&A solutions. The applications are easily adaptable to company specific requirements – irrespective of industry or planning processes.

‘Technology is a means to an end, no more. It contributes to the improvement of corporate processes, while reducing costs and time-effort. Thus we partner with Unit4 FP&A (prevero), Jedox und Acterys / MS Power BI in the highest partner levels. The pre-selection of this market leading CPM technologies allows us to recommend the best option for the usecase unbiasedly.’, says Alexander Hein. All of the three supported technologies can be implemented rapidly in companies of any size and industry because of predefined, but flexible modules (implementation time starting from 3-6 weeks). 

Mike Springer: "Passion to put heart and soul into growing ideas to success"

‘Im am expecially impressed by the fast response time of smartPM’s consulting team. I hardly know anyone on the market reaching this level.’  says Mike Springer, previous Senior Sales Manager of prevero and now co-founder of zealaxx. He adds: „Beyond our successful long-term cooperation we also share the passion to put heart and soul into growing ideas to success. Thus it was perfectly clear that our path will cross again. The CPM modules of and their high-quality professional services are the perfect combination to succeed in the DACH market. We are very happy to support them with our expertise.’

Alexander Springer, previous CEO and co-founder of prevero, is also happy with the customer-centricity at In a press release in the year of smartPM’s foundation he said: ‘Alexander Hein and I have been working together closely for nearly 20 years – I know how he works and that he is always open for new challenges. The impressive growth of from 5 to more than 20 CPM experts in one year struck me right away…’

"We care"

Everybody interested in an expert talk about Unit4 FP&A (prevero) in english language please use our calender or book the boss Alexander Hein to select a suitable event.

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