Clear Project Performance Management
Keep all your funding projects in sight. Manage all project data, deadlines, budgets, and risks simply and efficiently.
Easy Compliance and Documentation
Meet all regulatory requirements with complete documentation, ensuring you are always audit-ready.
Transparent Reporting
Generate detailed reports, meeting the requirements of auditors and funding providers. Use templates for funding programs (H2020, HEU).
Complete integration of All Systems & Departments
All data fully integrated, risk minimization, predefined logics, project evaluations, and easy collaboration.
How educational institutions and research companies can optimally utilize funding and report transparently
The implementation of funding control can often be very time-consuming for those responsible, in addition to their primary tasks. The proven grant management and control software solution from smartPM.solutions simplifies and accelerates the planning, application, management, monitoring, accounting, and audit-ready reporting of funding projects. This way, you can maximize the benefits of your funding.
Get the new factsheet on grant management and control
- Everything in one system: From project idea to reporting
- Efficient and straightforward funding applications through pre-defined templates, complete documentation.
- Continuous monitoring and optimization of grant utilization, budget control, deadline management, risk minimization.
- Funding costs and funding accounting – standardized, audit-ready reporting with maximum transparency.
- Easy collaboration and user-friendly workflows.
Learn more about grant management and control
The Advantages of the smartPM Funding Controlling System
From the initial fundable idea and the grant application, through project setup, monitoring and analysis, to funding accounting and audit-ready reporting, the smartPM grant management and control system covers all 5 key requirements.

Learn more about funding controlling and grant management in a free consultation.
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