Software solution for efficient Project and Program Performance Management

Projekt und Portfoliocontrolling Herobild Project and Programme Management

Maximum transparency in a central system

Integrated project and performance management in one solution, ensuring project governance through standardized templates and industry frameworks (PRINCE2, PMBOK).

Budget planning, real-time cost and risk monitoring

Efficient monitoring and easy management through milestone trend analysis, ad-hoc and scenario analysis, Gantt charts, kickpoint overviews, and proactive risk alerts.

Smart resource and portfolio optimization

Resource optimization based on project relevance and alignment with strategic objectives. Effectively avoid bottlenecks with integrated action tracking and proactive monitoring.

Automated reporting for all stakeholders

Ad-hoc analyses and reporting features with role-based concepts support decision-making optimally. Gain a better understanding of KPIs and interrelationships.

Bottlenecks, budget overruns, lack of clarity? Here's how to solve the biggest challenges in project management:

With the project and program performance management software, you receive a user-friendly all-in-one solution to plan, simulate, control, and report on individual projects or multiple projects efficiently. Monitor budgets and project costs continuously, and take quick action when deviations occur. Benefit from proven workflows, best practices, and integrated project management standards. Start quickly and save 30% of your time with practice-tested templates.

Get all the information you need for your project success in the factsheet:

How to get the most out of your projects and programs:

  • Success factors for project and multi-project management and performance management, ensuring project governance (PMBOK, PRINCE2, etc.).

  • Efficiently plan projects and prioritize them effectively along strategic objectives, the workflow.

  • Optimally allocate project resources, manage risks, and avoid bottlenecks, exposure monitoring.

  • Continuous project monitoring & control: Time, risk, and cost management supported by milestone analysis, Gantt charts, earned value analysis, rolling forecasts, geo-analyses, project post-calculations, and more.

  • Save time and effort through automated, standardized reports and integrated communication tools, using templates.

  • Simulate scenarios and use AI assistants for project controllers, integrating project performance management with other departmental planning.
  • Success Stories: Real-World Case Studies

Successful Implementation in Practice and Live System Insights

Case Study: Project Performance Management in Practice at List GC >>

Video: Modern Project & Portfolio Performance Management in 90 Seconds >>

Case Study: Selecting the Right Projects at the Right Time at AIT >> 

"If you have the courage to break up established and lived structures, you can save a lot of time, effort, and money by using a central project management tool as the focal point for all project-related processes. The consultants from have played a major role in helping Hamburg Airport save several million euros per year through the system's built-in, rigid cost management within the project management and controlling tool – all with system costs in the low six-figure range."

Julian Jirsak, Head of Project Portfolio Management

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The financial planning solution from smartPM is available for SAP SAC, MS Power BI, Jedox, and Unit4 FP&A.

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